Roofing, Siding, and Deck Blog Post

Best Metal Roofing For Residential Homes

In recent years, metal roofing has been dominating the roofing industry with high demand in the residential sector. Homeowners in most suburban communities are starting to phase out asphalt shingles with metal roofing.

Best Metal Roofing For Residential Homes

Since there’s a wide variety of different metal roofing that you can choose from, it’s going to be a challenge to look for the right metal roofing. But the question still remains: what’s the best metal roofing for residential homes?

Right off the bat, there’s really no such thing as a be-all-end-call of metal roofing. In reality, there are several factors that you have to consider when choosing a roof. Since roofs are specifically designed to protect your roof from different kinds of weather conditions, different kinds of metal roofing are also designed for certain circumstances.

The Best Candidates For Your home 

But what could be the best metal roofing candidates for your home? First, let’s discuss the most popular styles for your roof and then we’ll talk about the primary metal roofing materials. 

Standing Seam Metal Roofing

Standing seam roofing is produced through large pre-made panels that will fit the entire roof’s area. The standing seam design helps shed rainwater faster towards the appropriate areas. Moreover, the design of the roof helps mitigate damages that might be caused by impacts from hailstorms and people that might walk on your roof for maintenance.  

This type of roofing is usually used in more luxurious homes since the minimal and modernist finish of this type of roofing can easily complement the architectural designs and styles of your roof. 

Metal Shingle Roofing 

This type of metal roofing takes the form of traditionally made metal shingles in the same way asphalt shingles, wooden shingles and slate tiles are installed. You’ll be able to get the same benefits that you would normally get from metal roofing.

What’s The Best Material? 

Metal roofs are highly sought-out for a reason and it’s because they can provide high-quality protection to your roof. There’s a plethora of different metal roofing that you can choose. We’ll start with the most readily common materials first before we move on to the higher quality and generally more expensive materials. 


Copper has been widely used in metallurgy and as a building material for a variety of different tools. This kind of roofing has a captivating three-dimensional curb appeal that makes your roof stand out. This makes copper roofing a great way of increasing the aesthetic value of your home while still retaining the primary characteristics of metal roofs. 


Compared to other metal roofing materials, zinc is a highly malleable material that makes it on pay with galvanized steel. If you’re keen on recyclable materials that won’t harm the environment, then zinc is a good choice. Moreover, you’ll be able to save on electrical bills knowing that you won’t have to use heaters or air conditioning units since this can help retain internal temperatures. 


This material is highly favored by contractors since it’s highly resistant to the effects of erosion and corrosion that can easily affect naturally-cut slate roofs and other roofing; the high levels of resistance from flowing water makes this a  good choice among homes that are located in coastal areas. Moreover, since this material is lighter than other materials, this can be easily installed.

Stainless Steel

For centuries, steel has been known for being one of the most durable building materials in the roofing industry. If your home is situated in areas on the path of strong winds and hailstorms, then stainless steel roofing can easily withstand winds of up to 135 miles an hour. Moreover, it is also resistant to high energy impacts. While hailstorms might dent stainless steel roofing, it can still hold its ground. 

Compared to other light-weight materials, steel roofing can be heavier and might put stress on your roof’s support. It is recommended that you install additional joists to reinforce your roof’s support.

The type of material and style that you want on your roof will depend on several different factors. However, the most important condition to consider is the environment. It’s best to do some background research on each material and how it fairs well on each weather condition. Moreover, having the right metal roof for your home’s architectural design can extend the lifespan of your roof. 

No worries, if you’re still overwhelmed on what’s the best metal roof for your home, you can always consult your local roofing contractor. Having the opinion of a licensed and qualified professional can help optimize your roof for several different factors; just make sure that you have the right permits. After all, if you’re going to be investing thousands of dollars worth of roofing materials on your roofing Roswell GA, you should also invest in planning it well. 

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